Tag: python
Raspberry Pi RFID Door Lock System with Database
This is a Raspberry Pi RFID project with a database interface where it controls a solenoid door lock based on information stored in our database.
Interface Raspberry Pi with Solenoid door lock
This post describes how to program the Raspberry Pi in order to control a 12V solenoid door lock using a relay and Python code.
Display Real-Time Updates Using Python, Flask, and Websocket
In this post, we will explore Python, Flask, and Websocket to display sensor values coming from our server on our page and show it as a graphical chart.
Setup Keypad with Raspberry Pi
This post will discuss how you can setup your Keypad membrane with your raspberry pi. Keypad comes in different dimensions and they are ideal for applications that requires password authentication like security systems.
How to install Python in Windows
In this post we are going to detail the steps on how to install Python in Windows environment. Python is an excellent language being used in AI, Machine Learning and even Microcontroller programming.
Control WS2812B/Neopixels Using Mobile Phones and Raspberry Pi – Final
This is the final post on how you can control your WS2812B Neopixels Using your mobile phones and raspberry pi.
Create Flask Web Application in Raspberry Pi
This post explains how to install and create a web application using Flask and deploy it to your Raspberry Pi. We used it to control our WS2812b Neopixels effects using our mobile phones.
Wiring WS2812B Neopixels using Raspberry Pi
This post discusses the wiring of our WS2812B Neopixels to your Raspberry Pi. It also explains the luma.led_matrix library on how we can control the effects on each addressable LEDs
Arduino RFID Database Security System: Create the application that would interact with the database
This post discusses how to create an Application that will connect to our database to retrieve valid RFID Codes. This is part of our Arduino RFID Database Security System
Arduino RFID Database Security System: Create database to store our RFID code using SQLLite
In this article I am going to discuss how we can create our database for our RFID Security System. The following database that we are creating will be use in the future Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESp8266, ESP32 or other MCU so stay tuned for future articles.