Tag: arduinojson
ESP32 Keypad Database Security System Code
This post will discuss the code of our ESP32 Keypad Database Security System and how we will control our doorlock using the keypad. This will also explain how it calls our REST API server so that we can access our database interface.
Arduino RFID Database Security System: Program Arduino and ESP8266
In this article we are going to program our Arduino RFID Database Security System. We will configure the Arduino to read the MFRC522 RFID Reader and retrieve the RFID code. The RFID code is then sent thru the ESP8266 ESP-01 through serial communication.
Arduino RFID Database Security System: Designing the Project
This article describes how to design an Arduino RFID Security System that uses the ESP8266 ESP-01 to communicate with the database
Connect Arduino Project to Internet or WIFI Using ESP8266
This project connects the Arduino Project to the internet using the ESP8266 ESP-01 microcontroller. They communicate using the serial interfaces and passes data as JSON object