We are going to setup our 16X2 I2C LCD using the raspberry pi in this post. These LCD’s are cheap and is very useful in showing information in any of your Internet of Things (IOT) projects. We will show as well how to drive this component together with some sample code on how to show…
In this post we are going to setup our Raspberry Pi in Headless Mode. We do not need to attach any external monitor or keyboard to it. We will connect to it remotely afterwhich.
This is the final post on how you can control your WS2812B Neopixels Using your mobile phones and raspberry pi.
This post explains how to install and create a web application using Flask and deploy it to your Raspberry Pi. We used it to control our WS2812b Neopixels effects using our mobile phones.
This post discusses the wiring of our WS2812B Neopixels to your Raspberry Pi. It also explains the luma.led_matrix library on how we can control the effects on each addressable LEDs
In this project we will control our WS2812B Neopixel effect using our mobile phone and raspberry pi.