This post will show you how you can handle dynamic content in a MicroDot application using your MicroPython firmware.
This post will show you how you can control RGB (Red/Green/Blue) Light Emitting Diode (LED) using MicroPython.
This is an example Raspberry Pi Pico W BMP/BME 280 Weather station project that I built using MicroPython framework and MQTT.
This post will list down some of the common errors or problems that I encountered while working with MicroPython and the solutions that solved it
This post will show you how to connect, publish, and subscribe to your MQTT broker using the umqtt.simple library in MicroPython and a Raspberry Pi Pico W board.
This post will show you how to connect, published, and subscribe to MQTT topics with your broker using MicroPython and an ESP32/ESP8266 board
This post will show you how to interface your Raspberry Pi Pico W with the BME280/BMP280 and create a weather station using MicroPython.
This post will show you how to create programs written in MicroPython to interface with SSD1306 OLED to display text and graphic images.
This post will show you how to install or download or flash MicroPython firmware on your Raspberry Pi Pico or Raspberry Pi Pico W.
This post will show you how to control or interface DS18B20 temperature sensor with your MicroPython device with a weather station project