Author: donsky
MicroPython Development Using Thonny IDE
This post will explain how to get started in MicroPython development using the Thonny IDE and how to configure it and use its features.
MicroPython – How to Blink an LED and More
This post will show to create a program in MicroPython that will blink an LED and expand that knowledge by creating an LED lightshow effects
MicroPython using VSCode PyMakr on ESP32/ESP8266
This post will show how to develop MicroPython projects using Visual Studio Code or VSCode using the PyMakr extension using an ESP32/ESP8266.
How to install MicroPython on ESP32 and download firmware
This post will discuss installing MicroPython in an ESP32 MicroController Unit (MCU) and the steps to download the appropriate firmware.
Arduino officially supports MicroPython
This post explores how to get started with the Arduino support for MicroPython using the Arduino Lab for Micropython
Raspberry Pi RFID Door Lock System with Database
This is a Raspberry Pi RFID project with a database interface where it controls a solenoid door lock based on information stored in our database.
Interface Raspberry Pi with Solenoid door lock
This post describes how to program the Raspberry Pi in order to control a 12V solenoid door lock using a relay and Python code.
How to Setup Raspberry Pi with MFRC522 RFID Card Reader
This post will show you how to configure your Raspberry Pi to read information coming from the MFRC522 RFID reader
MERN Stack Tutorial – RFID Management System
This post will show you an RFID Management System where you could Create-Read-Update-Delete Student information stored in a database using MERN stack.
Install Headless Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi – No Monitor
This post will show how to install a headless Ubuntu server on your raspberry pi without using external keyboard or monitor