Author: donsky
MongoDB Atlas: An Overview and how to get started
In this post I am going to give an overview on MongoDB Atlas setup and how to get started creating your own cluster. We will use this cloud database as our backend in future Internet Of Things (IOT) project.
Using Node.js and React to display a chart of real-time sensor readings
This post will show how you can use Node.js and React to display a chart of real time sensor readings from an ESP32 microcontroller.
Read LDR/Photoresistor Sensor using ESP32
This short post will discuss how we can read sensor values coming from a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or a photoresistor using an ESP32 board.
Common PlatformIO Errors
This page will list some of the most common errors that I have encountered while using PlatformIO IDE. PlatformIO is an extension in Visual Studio Code that will allow you to program your microcontroller board.
Install Visual Studio Code or VSCode on Windows
This post will show how to install Visual Studio Code or VSCode in your Windows laptop or machine. We will use this IDE in our IOT projects.
Install Postman Windows
In this post, I am going to share with you how to install Postman in your Windows machine. We will use this tool to test REST api endpoint.
Install Node.js in Windows
In this post we are going to show how to install Node.js in your windows machine. We will use Node.js as backend of our future Internet of Things (IOT) Applications.
Install MongoDB in Windows for IOT Applications
In this post we are going to show how to install MongoDB in your Windows Operating System (OS). We are going to use the MongoDB in our future Internet of Things (IOT) applications.
ESP32 Robot Car Using Websockets
This post discusses how we can control our robot car using ESP32 Websockets. We are using our mobile phones in controlling the directions and speed settings of our robot car by sending websocket message between our phone browser and the asynchronous websocket server running in our ESP3
ESP32 Home Automation Project
This post discusses how to create your own ESP32 Home Automation Project that powers AC load and is controlled thru your mobile phone.