Month: September 2022
How to blink LED using ESP32
This post will show how to program the ESP32 microcontroller to blink Light Emitting Diode or LED using the Arduino framework.
PlatformIO Tutorial for Arduino Development
This is a PlatformIO IDE tutorial that will help you get started in using this IDE in your Arduino and Embedded development.
Creating an ESP32 RFID with a Web Server Application
This ESP32 RFID project with a Web Server application reads RFID tags/cards and then displays the validation in a web application in real-time.
How to upload FileSystem Image in PlatformIO IDE?
This post will the steps in PlatformIO IDE on how to upload filesystem image in your microcontroller flash memory.
Interfacing RFID MFRC522 to ESP32
This post will discuss how to Interface and program the RFID MFRC522 card reader to our ESP32 microcontroller.
Create your own ESP32 Wifi Car using the library esp32-wifi-car
This post will show how to create your own ESP32 Wifi car using a library that will help you create the project with minimal code.
Using WebSocket in the Internet of Things (IOT) projects
We discuss websocket protocol in detail in this post and why it is ideal for use in Internet of Things (IOT) projects.
Plot Real-time Chart display of Sensor Readings – ESP8266/ESP32
This post shows how you could plot real-time chart of your sensor readings and updates automatically using ESP8266/ESP32 microcontrollers
Interfacing Photoresistor or LDR into NodeMCU ESP8266
This post will discuss how we can read sensor values coming from a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or a photoresistor using an ESP8266 board.
Raspberry Pi Object Counting using Infrared sensor
The following post will show how we can use the Raspberry Pi as an object counter by using the Infrared (IR) sensor. IR sensors are excellent electronic components that can sense the proximity of objects and we will use it in counting objects that are passing in our mini conveyor system.